Saturday, August 25, 2007

For you Child

OH! THE PLACES YOU'LL GO, Oh! that bygone time of Dr Seuss reading, Veronica's nose admiring, trying hard to get the tiger out of the tea pot and thousands nights of story spinning...
Tucking you in bed, a goodnight kiss and Good Night >Moon...
I won't cry Child, I'll take solace in the poetry of our beloved Shel Silverstein 'where the side walk ends'
See Child, up to now you've been sheltered, walking on the sidewalk.
But there comes always, sooner or later, that terrible edgy moment and the sidewalk ends. Then you're left to step in the dangerous traffic of life and make it safely out from one place to the other. The walk is well worth its risks and if you patiently wait, for the traffic light to pass to green then a Shel Silverstein kind of invitation might be waiting for you...

If you are a dreamer come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you are a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

So go in Child. Take up that invitation the world is offering you and we too, will eventually chime in and sing the same song that generations of parents sang to generations of children; the lyrics going about..." Listen to the wind...carrying your heart's wishes...then you'll find... your own path...listen to the the stormy night...and you'll find...your own path... OK, OK, I'm not good at this, toneless as an empty bucket's bang bang; so go on sing it by yourself.
See Child the fire you leave behind, here, will be kept warm and alive for you to comeback whenever you like...
Speaking of fire, I remember that other poem, in Farsi, that I used to love when I was your age. Something like this:

Yes, yes, Life is Beautiful,
if you light its fire
it will soar high toward the sky
but if you let it down to die, then
all that remain
are ashes scattered in the ensuing still life.

Love you Child.

1 comment:

TalaiĆ²tic said...

World must hear about this

An incredible but true story: Spanish authorities prosecute child for terrorism when he e-mails companies requesting labelling in catalan language, using Phoenix monicker from Harry Potter books. Police accuse him of organizing an Al Qaeda cell. Case goes all the way to Spanish High Court.

Video 1