Saturday, January 10, 2009

Feline Revenge Over The Use Of Forbidden Words

From time to time
you say hello to me
in a rushed manner
as if to solve a matter of emergency
and settle down back
in the layers of a mystery
known only
to a feline triplets
who might have committed a crime
in their own quest of poetry
or preserving Beauty

You come scarcely in touch with me
being caught in catty gossips
trying to weave
the surreal in the rational
concocting a novel about a Beauty
with the features of a Nefertiti
then letting it simmer
with the felines in it
toying with you.

All the while I'm sitting here,
sending you intimacy
which is lacking in this tongue of yours
that "you"
exacerbating distance
against my
"tu me acercas y me dejas,
a quien offreces tu caricia?"

all of it despite the canonics
of Strunk and White
in their Elements of Style,
cautionning to not play pyrotechnics
with foreign words.

Don't they know
that those intimate foreign words
are nothing more than
composites of complex identities
homeless in language
facing the dilemma of words
flowing and opening their way
in a O! so foreign language.
And you go on:
"For someone who doesn´t have English
as their native tongue
you sure do know how to use it."

Poets do
writers too.

with no country in one language
they can move
from the rythm of a mother tongue,
into the ones in which
they are denizen foreigners.

There is Khader Abdolah
born on the shore of "Sefidegani"
weaving the heights of his musical Farsi
into the depths of a nebulous Nederlands
clearing skillfully all haziness
with the pyrotechnic of his "show off" words

There was the time
when you said to me
that I was a "bonus" in your life
the overtone carried by this word
in your own mother tongue
being more at home
in the premium of a loan
rather than in conveying poetry.

tossing words carelessly
in the world of Poetry
will be messing up with felines
and not only papery triplets
untidying things in your rooms
forcing you to move
up and down while you long
to run along the coast
letting the surreal
flow into your artistic juices
and replace the lack of craziness
so that the poetry outcome
might even surprise the three furtive beasts.
And maybe stops them
from delightfully bullying you
browsing into your words
unearthing the forbidden ones
relentlessly throwing it at you
and planning revenge
over words such as "bonus"
in exchange for "exquisite irrelevance"
out of mischivious threads
in all of our stories.

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